The Path to Cleaner Energy – Audubon Magazine
Wind power’s role in weaning America off fossil fuels holds vast untapped potential for domestic energy production and clean jobs.
Wind power’s role in weaning America off fossil fuels holds vast untapped potential for domestic energy production and clean jobs.
Beyond the immediate financial gains, American wind farm hosts enjoy contributing to an exit strategy from fossil fuels. In the Flint Hills of Kansas, rancher Pete Ferrell angered neighbors when he allowed turbines on his land. They preferred looking at pristine prairie; he chose to invest in a sustainable, locally abundant energy resource. This article is an adapted excerpt from Harvest the Wind.
An environmental lawyer goes on a cross-country quest seeking the substance behind the symbols heralding America’s clean energy future. Published by the Environmental Law Institute (
Letter to the editor objecting to the absence of fuel efficiency as a criterion for the design of New York City’s Taxi of Tomorrow.
Letter to the editor in response to “The Not-So-Green Mountains,” by Steve E. Wright (Op-Ed, Sept. 29, 2011).
Letter to the editor in response to “The Gas is Greener,” by Robert Bryce (Op-Ed, June 6, 2011).
Denmark's thriving economy and energy entrepreneurship should give our own Congress hope as it charts America's energy future. The twenty-first century's energy opportunities are just too good to miss.
China may be a growing producer and user of wind and other renewable energy technology, but there's still plenty of room for a robust renewable energy industry in the United States. By locating new factories close to where American wind farms are being built, U.S. and foreign corporations are producing thousands of American jobs, often in small towns and cities hardest-hit by the economic slowdown.
The last momentous federal investment in energy infrastructure - hydro dams - took place nearly eight decades ago. Today we need a new infusion of energy investment, this time to ease our environmentally crippling dependence on coal and oil.
Senator Edward M. Kennedy's opposition to Cape Wind defies his lengthy track record as a supporter of sound energy policies. The very coastline whose vistas he seeks to preserve is on the front line of the battle against climate change, a battle we will lose if we dare not advance projects like Cape Wind.